Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Declaration of Independence And A Great Britain - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 645 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Declaration of Independence Essay Did you like this example? The Declaration of Independence which was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, can be thought as the birth of the United States. Since Thirteen Colonies not only revealed their main purpose about American Revolutionary War but also they proclaimed their independence. The process leading up to The Declaration of Independence did not emerge overnight. Many years and various events led to colonist fight for their independence. Political interference of Britain, economic laws and the impact of ?Common Sense ? on the society affected the development of The Declaration of Independence. One cause which affecteds emergence of The Declaration of the Independence was political interferences of Great Britain. Because first American colonies were established mostly by people who migrated from Britain. The number of colonies increased and they progressed in time, nonetheless, they were still governed by England. The British government let the colonists govern themselves with little interference until the 1760s. The 1760s could be thought as a turning point because mother country gained vast territory from France after the Seven Years War.However, London officials had no experience managing the territory as vast as it acquired from France. That is why England increaseds interferences in order to maintains control over colonies with strict precautions and various laws. Colonist began to worry about these laws and they felt as these laws threatened their right to govern themselves. The more political interferences caused more conflicts between England and the colonists. Consequently, these conflicts created the idea of separation from mother country step by step. The second cause was economic laws. After the Seven Years War Great Britain wideneds borders in the New World. Nevertheless, during the war, Britain sent troops in order to help American colonies to fight in the war. When the war ended, England needed money to pay its war debt s. That is why The British Parliament decided to tax the American colonies to help pay for the cost of war. They passed a number of laws such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act. While the British Parliament believed that they had the right to tax colonies because they supported them during the war, many colonists felt that they had not to pay these taxes.Because these laws were passed by the British Parliament, not by their colonial governments. Moreover, they had no representative on British Parliament to defend their rights. Colonists protests created the motto No Taxation Without Representation.. Trade restriction laws and taxes developed the process of The Declaration of Independence. The third cause was the impact of ?Common Sense ? on society. Common Sense was a pamphlet which was written by Thomas Paine in the plain and persuasive language in order to be understood by every people in the society. Thomas Paine wrote it in order to encourage the people in the colonies ab out separation from England. In his pamphlet, not only criticized the British Government but also he explained the disadvantages of being connected with England. He emphasized the importance of independence and he explained why it was the wrong regard as Great Britain as Mother Country. Although there were opposite ideas in the society about separation, the pamphlet was adopted by the colonists and united them against England in a little while. Common Sense improved the need for independence. To sum up, multiple causes led to the birth of the United States. Britain started to getting involve American colonies after the Seven Years War. Because they had different politic and economic ideology, caused various problems between Great Britain and the colonists. Most of the colonists rejected taxes without representation. ?Common Sense emphasized on these differences and protests that is why united the colonists under the common purpose. On July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence proclaimed and it underlined their aim during the American War of Independence. The independence process took time and developed step by step. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Declaration of Independence And A Great Britain" essay for you Create order

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Effects Of Birth Control And Abortion - 2816 Words

On March 2, 1873, the Comstock Act was passed which â€Å"forbade the sending through the mails of any drug or medicine or any article whatever for the prevention of conception† (Case Western University, 2010). Although this act did not focus on fertility, it remained as a statute for birth control. Birth control and abortion were both considered obscenities (Case Western University, 2010). The Comstock Laws declared family planning and contraception illegal and obscene (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2014). In 1916 Margaret Sanger, her sister, and a friend, opened the first Birth Control Clinic in Brooklyn, New York (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2014). According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (2014), Margaret Sanger â€Å"witnessed the sickness, misery, and death that result from unwanted pregnancy and illegal abortion†. Her mother was one of those women who had endured eighteen pregnancies, raised eleven children, and passed away at the age of 40 (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2014). It was already a difficult era for women. During this time, women did not have many rights. They were not allowed to vote, sign contracts, have bank accounts, or divorce abusive husbands (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2014). The clinic provided contraceptive advice to poor, immigrant women, until police raided it and the three women were convicted of disseminating birth control information (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2014).Show Mor eRelatedBirth Control And Abortion Should Not Be Used Widely1440 Words   |  6 Pages Birth Control and Abortion Should Not be Used Widely Submitted by: Yuhuan Yu Submitted to: Daniela Greco-Giancola Class: Act Writing Date: August 11, 2014 Word Count: 1281 The world population is 7.046 billion and there are 8.260 million new babies are born every year (Worldometers n.d.), because of this global over population problem, some countries’ government allowed birth control pill and medicine or artificial abortion can be used to control the population. Now, due to different reasonRead MoreAbortion And Birth Control : Pro Choice And Pro Life Essay1281 Words   |  6 Pages Different Arguments for Different Ends Shana Meyer December 7, 2016 â€Æ' Different Arguments for Different Ends Abortion and birth control have long served as very heated, very debated topics, especially in the equal rights movement. Groups on both sides of the dispute have made strong arguments either in support of or against a woman’s right to use birth control and/or seek an abortion. Interestingly, many of the arguments share very similar foundational thoughts but are used to suggest very differentRead MoreBirth Control Of Infant Control1192 Words   |  5 PagesBirth control pills is one of the biggest debate in our society, there’s many people against and also people that support the case. Birth Control consist in : â€Å"any of various preparations that usually contain a combination of a progestogen (as norethindrone) and an estrogen (as ethinyl estradiol) but sometimes only a progestogen, are taken orally especially on a daily basis, and act as contraceptives typically preventing ovulation by suppressing secretion of gonadotropins† (Dictionary).There areRead MoreP ros And Cons Of Birth Control1442 Words   |  6 PagesEven though birth control issues remain as a controversial topic from the early 18th century to now, the debate between Margaret Sanger and Winter Russel on the pros and cons of providing information about birth control strategies for the public was a foundation stone for today’s family planning policies and regulation of transmission of venereal disease in the United States of America. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Johnson Johnson Case Free Essays

The corporate strategy that Johnson Johnson pursue is to encourage autonomy in each division and cultivate entrepreneurial culture throughout the organization. It has heavily relied on acquisitions to grow over the years to expand the company into a board range of businesses in the healthcare industry. As Johnson Johnson has grew into a complex enterprise, granted near-total autonomy has fostered each division to develop and expand its best-seller products and to be responsible for their promised achievement. We will write a custom essay sample on Johnson Johnson Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now This independence attributes most to the company’s success. It also provides the firm with the ability to respond quickly to emerging opportunities. Each division has the freedom to develop its own strategy, and to work with its own resources. However, this decentralization brings up the company’s overhead costs. Merger and acquisition has also brought up quality control problems that some of its products have been recalled. Johnson Johnson has evolved to have top-notch products and strong skills in all three basic divisions: drugs, devices, and diagnostics, that few companies can compete for. To increase collaboration between these divisions will attract new business opportunities, and the firm will benefit from his convergence by allowing different units work together. Weldon has pushed all of its units to work together to deal with different health problems and to work on new opportunities. As a leader, Weldon understands the importance of entrepreneurial spirit in the company. So he takes steps and cautions to foster collaboration among disparate operations. He set up groups that draw people from different division to work together on specific health problems, and each of the groups will be reported every six months on potential strategies and projects. He is also pushing for more internal growth that to accelerate top-and bottom-line growth. Weldon encourage employees to share database across the various business units to further improve innovation. To create a sustainable competitive advantage, Johnson Johnson has to have valuable resources. By acquiring different segment of healthcare industry, they have the ability to develop new products that requires different segments of healthcare industry. Encouraging synergy will improve its efficiency and effectiveness in solving difficult health problem and neutralize threats, because few companies have such large resources as Johnson Johnson does. Since few firms could actually be able to attain the idea of synergy, the resource that Johnson Johnson has is rare. Besides that, Johnson Johnson has to make sure their resource is difficult to imitate and difficult to substitute. Apparently, for competitors who own as large resources as Johnson Johnson does will be able to perform same synergy; however, if Johnson Johnson come up with some unique idea and products on curing one of the difficult health problems and get patent on it, it will be then difficult for competitors to imitate. In order to be hard to substitute, Johnson Johnson has to make sure their products have distinctive effectiveness that it would be hard to achieve without their products. From balance sheet, Johnson Johnson’s liquidity, as measured by current assets compared to current liabilities, increased over the year. We might be tempted to conclude that its balance sheet has grown â€Å"stronger† currently. But its net income per sale has dropped dramatically. This might be caused by a string of product recalls and consumers are lost confidence in their products after recalls. Quality issues have risen since converging of two divisions, which directly affect Johnson Johnson’s reputation. Investors are starting to question Johnson Johnson’s management. Its financial picture looks even worsen now. Synergy to fix the manufacturing problems that had caused the recalls are taking longer than expected, and some brands might not return to shelves until 2013. Current situation that Johnson Johnson though may not put the company in a struggle condition, Consumers are losing faith in its products. Also, recent legal losses for Johnson Johnson related to its antipsychotic drugs and the announcement to remove out some ingredients that have been proved harmful to personal health have made its overall picture worsen. From its 2nd quarter 2012 conference calls, they mentioned that their current main goal is to restore reliable supply and to regain trust from consumers. Consumers have lost some degree of confidence in Johnson Johnson because of the recalls. But they have also mentioned in the conference calls that its pharmaceutical team achieved success in new products launching and their Synthes acquisition successfully closed in the 2nd quarter. Although they are still dealing with the negative impact of the How to cite Johnson Johnson Case, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence

Question: Discuss about the Critical Appraisal of the Evidence. Answer Introduction: Stroke is sudden onset of neurological deficit that results in weakness or paralysis on one side of the body. Stroke is the major health concern in Singapore and also is the largest cause of long-term physical disability. The most common problem found in stroke patients is the motor function problems in upper limb. In the case of sub acute stroke, the patient suffers from diminished motor functions; the body also displays weakness on any one side. This weakness of the body on one side is called as hemiplegia. Hemiplegic arm is the condition, where the patient cant move their arm after stroke. The most common form of providing movement to such arm is the passive range movement (LanninAda, 2011 ). Spasticity and contractures in the upper limb may affect the patients in their daily activities. These problems often start to develop within 6 to 8 weeks post stroke. (Andria, van de port Meijer, 2013).The exact cause of contractures is undetermined; however some article said that contracture may result from neurological condition example like stroke and Traumatic brain injury. (Beaty Murphy,2013).After a stroke, spasticity is a common problem in paretic limb that often leads to severe and permanent deformity.(Sheehan, winzer, Mercay Mudie,2006).When our group members discussed we also found that in Singapore each hospital are using different kinds ofsplints.However wanted to know if splinting was more effective in reducing contractures comparing to positioning. Therefore, the topic was chosen due to interest.Through evidence based practice by comparing hand splinting and hand position, to find which method is more effective in preventing contractures. The selected clinical questi on is important to be reviewed, because these are the two most common methods that are used in various clinical setting to treat contractures in stroke patients. So decided to choose randomized control trial design. In this design participants are assigned to treatment conditions at random that is they have an equal probability of being assigned to any group. Critical Appraisal Tool for RCTs The article used for the critical appraisal is Contracture preventive positioning of the hemiplegic arm in subacute stroke patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Was true randomization used for assignment of participants to treatment groups? The study is the single blind pilot randomized control trial. Yes, the participants was randomly assigned two different groups using opaque, sealed envelopes containing leaflets with either a capital A(experimental group) or a capital B (control group). The participants included in the study, were all the stroke patients, who had to go through the inclusion criteria. The participants, who had been going through the good recovery of the arm, were excluded from the study. The treatment groups used in the study were selected on the basis of the inclusion criteria. The researcher included only those subjects, who had first time stroke defined according to WHO, the participant must have the medial cerebral artery stroke which has been established by means of computerized tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (CT/MRI), The participant should not have any premorbid impairment in the affected arm, should not have severe pain in the arm and should not have used antispasticity drugs, no pain reducing medicine except paracetamol has been used, no planned date of discharge, and must provide the written consent. The methodology used in the study seems to be appropriate for obtaining the desired outcomes. Having a control group verifies the study to be Randomized control trial. Was allocation to groups concealed? Yes, an independent person carried out the randomization procedure by allocating the groups using opaque, sealed envelopes containing leaflets with either a capital A( experimental group) or a capital B( control group).Therefore, no biasness. Were treatment groups similar at the baseline? Yes, the participants in the treatment group were similar. All the subjects in both the groups were randomized after the initial selection criteria. All the participants with subacute stroke were selected for the study and patients with severe stroke or other cognitive problems were excluded. The subjects with fair to good recovery of the arm were excluded from the study to avoid any kind of biases. The patients with same stage of the disease and similar co-existing condition were selected. Means of passive range motion were equally compared. Were participants blind to treatment assignment? No, the participants were not blinded to the treatment assignment. The written consent was taken from the participants. The positioning procedure was carried out for 5 weeks. The subjects in the experiment group were asked to participate in the procedure for another 5 weeks for the purpose of follow-ups. Thus, the subjects were not blinded. Were those delivering treatment blind to treatment assignment? No, positioning was carried out by the nursing staff under supervision of trained research physical therapists who instructed how the positioning procedure should be carried out. Were outcome assessors blind to treatment assignment? Yes, Blinding was achieved by reminding the participants before every measurement that they should not reveal allocation to the observers. Were treatments groups treated identically other than the intervention of interest? Yes, all the subject in the treatment groups received conventional rehabilitation treatment, as prescribed by the primary physician of the subject. The subjects in the experimental group were additionally asked to carry out the positioning posture for the five weeks, twice a day for half an hour. Controlled group didnt receive additional positioning procedure or therapies. Was follow-up complete, and if not, were strategies to address incomplete follow-up utilized? Yes, follow up of each subject in experimental group and control group were done through every stage of the trial. Follow up was done from the initial screening by the rehabilitation physician till the outcome measurements. If the subjects were excluded from the study for one reason or the other, the reasons were also specifically mentioned separately in the study. Were participants analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized? Yes, the participants were analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized. The flow of the subjects, through every stage is presented through a chart. Means (standard deviations) of content of treatment sessions and time spent in the positioning procedure at five weeks, were analyzed in both the groups separately. Were the outcomes measured in the same way for the treatment group? Yes, the outcomes of the treatment groups were measured in the same way. The mean passive range of all the motions were included and represented in the form of table that was measured through hydrogoniometer. The resistances to passive range movements were measured through Ashworth Scale. Resistence to passive stretch in both the groups was measured through Fugl-Meyer Assessment. Barthel Index scores for used for finding ADL-independence in the subjects of both the groups. Were the Outcomes measured in the reliable way? Yes, the outcomes measured in the study are done in the reliable way, as the same measurement scales were used to measure the outcomes in treatment groups. The study also measured outcomes in reliable way, because the results are clearly stated through comparable charts and also primary and secondary outcomes are clearly mentioned. The positioning procedures were carried out in the presence of the trained physiotherapists and also the measurement scales used in the study are reliable. Was appropriate statistical analysis was used? Yes, all the statistical analysis has been done by carrying out the SPSS for Windows (version 10.0.5). For this purpose the level of significance was set as P/0.05. p value is the widely used statistical hypothesis. The assumptions of the statistical test were respected Was the trial design appropriate, and any deviations from the standard RCT design (individual randomization, parallel groups) accounted for in the conduct and analysis of the trial? Yes, the trial design is appropriate, as the study involves the random procedure of assigning the subjects in the experiment and control groups. The main strength of the study is that it used the reliable way of statistical analysis and measurement of the treatment group outcomes. The major limitations of the study are that the study is underpowered, because the sample size is very small. Another limitation was the positioning procedure was carried out in front of various nurses and four physiotherapists, who have the training of carrying out positioning procedures, but there was a lack of individual assessors, which could have increased the rigour of the methodology. The key findings from the paper are that positioning of the hemiplegic arm has small beneficial effect on shoulder abduction in passive range of motion (Prabhu, Swaminathan, Harvey, 2013). The positioning procedures slowed down the development of the shoulder abduction contractures. However, no major difference was found in control group and experiment group. The gap in the knowledge is seen, as effect of positioning procedure on the motor recovery performance, spasticity and independence in ADLs is still unclear (Skalsky, McDonald, 2012). Discussion The suitability of the evidences in the clinical setting and implications for the change in practice is evaluated by the use of F.A.M.E. Scale. F Feasibility; specifically: The cost effectiveness of the study is that it conducted for the limited period of time to collect the samples. The practice used by the researcher is available and considered as the most reliable practice for preventing contractures in stroke patients. The professionals involved in the study have sufficient experience and skills. The trained physiotherapists are asked to carry out the positioning procedures, which signify the feasibility of the study. A Appropriateness; specifically: The practice and procedure used by the study can be considered as culturally safe. The procedure can be considered as transferable to majority of population, as the study was representative of the target population (stroke patients eligible for rehabilitation services). Thus, study is transferable to such settings. However, the study is not easily acceptable to variety of circumstances, as it had particular inclusion criteria since only subacute stroke patients were include and patients with severe stroke were excluded from the study. M Meaningfulness; specifically: The meaningfulness of the study is associated with positive outcomes. The study did not mention any kind of negative outcomes. However, the positive outcomes were limited with small slow down in the development of the shoulder abduction contractures. No other positive result was found. E Effectiveness; specifically: The beneficial effect of the contracture preventing positioning procedure was very small and no major differences were found in experiment and control groups. However, the practice is safe, as contracture prevention positioning is often supported by various studies (Prabhu, Swaminathan, Harvey, 2013). However, this study adds some value to the clinical practice by providing the evidences about the problems (Sanford, 2009). The change in practice can be brought by understanding the problems in the available evidences. The study adds value by explaining the effectiveness of the positioning procedure (Lannin et al, 2007). The current clinical practice continues to use splints for benefitting the people, who have suffered stroke. But, it is important to address that no current research supports or validates the use of splints (Thibaut et al, 2013). . However, contracture prevention positioning is often supported by various studies. What I consider important for change in practice is that passive stretching has found to be beneficial in improving the range of motion. It is also associated with slowing the development of the contractures. Thus, it can be said that positioning procedure is important in preventing contractures (Dewey, Richard, Parry, 2011). The barriers that may hinder the implication of the EBP are the lack of authority to change patient care procedures, insufficient time to apply new practice and difficulty in completely understanding the statistical analysis. These barriers can be overcome by bringing changes on the individual and institutional level. Barriers can be removed by collecting more related evidences, considering clients value, clinical judgment, clinical decision making and system resources. There is also a need for further research with the qualitative analysis. This kind of trial can help in closing the gap. Conclusion The main aim of the paper is to provide the critical appraisal of the selected study through JBI RAPid cghzyshecklist. The critical appraisal of the study by LD de Jong et al (2006) is done. This study is based on finding the effectiveness of the contracture preventing positioning hemiplegic arm in subacute stroke patients. The scope of the study and number of participants is very limited or under powered. The study was carried out on limited numbers of subjects in experimental and control groups. The design of the study is single blind pilot randomized control trial. The evidences provided by the study are very limited, as it excludes number of stroke patients on the basis of inclusion criteria. However, the study is important as it informs about the positioning of the affected limb for preventing contractures. The further and future research requires concentrating on more number of participants. The major problem found in stroke patients is pain. Future research requires developing the study to manage pain in the patients, by preventing contractures. Motor function recovery is the major goal of stroke rehabilitation centers. Motor recovery cannot be achieved without using different clinical treatments. The paper provided the discussion on the basis of substantial research from the reliable resources. References Basaran, A., Emre, U., Ikbal Karadavut, K., Balbaloglu, O., Bulmus, N. (2012). Hand splinting for poststroke spasticity: a randomized controlled trial.Topics in stroke rehabilitation,19(4), 329-337. Borisova, Y., Bohannon, R. W. (2009). Positioning to prevent or reduce shoulder range of motion impairments after stroke: a meta-analysis.Clinical rehabilitation,23(8), 681-686. Bovend'Eerdt, T. J., Newman, M., Barker, K., Dawes, H., Minelli, C., Wade, D. T. (2008). The effects of stretching in spasticity: a systematic review.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation,89(7), 1395-1406. Dewey, W. S., Richard, R. L., Parry, I. S. (2011). Positioning, splinting, and contracture management.Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America,22(2), 229-247. Fergusson, D., Hutton, B., Drodge, A. (2007). The epidemiology of major joint contractures: a systematic review of the literature.Clinical orthopaedics and related research,456, 22-29. Greg Pitts, D., Peganoff OBrien, S. (2008). Splinting the hand to enhance motor control and brain plasticity.Topics in stroke rehabilitation,15(5), 456-467. Katalinic, O. M., Harvey, L. A., Herbert, R. D. (2011). Effectiveness of stretch for the treatment and prevention of contractures in people with neurological conditions: a systematic review.Physical therapy,91(1), 11. Katalinic, O. M., Harvey, L. A., Herbert, R. D., Moseley, A. M., Lannin, N. A., Schurr, K. (2010). Stretch for the treatment and prevention of contractures.The Cochrane Library. Lannin, N. A., Cusick, A., McCluskey, A., Herbert, R. D. (2007). Effects of splinting on wrist contracture after stroke.Stroke,38(1), 111-116. Lannin, N. A., Ada, L. (2011). Neurorehabilitation splinting: theory and principles of clinical use.NeuroRehabilitation,28(1), 21-28. Marco, E., Duarte, E., Vila, J., Tejero, M., Guillen, A., Boza, R., ... Espadaler, J. M. (2007). Is botulinum toxin type A effective in the treatment of spastic shoulder pain in patients after stroke? A double-blind randomized clinical trial.Journal of rehabilitation medicine,39(6), 440-447. Prabhu, R. K., Swaminathan, N., Harvey, L. A. (2013). Passive movements for the treatment and prevention of contractures.The Cochrane Library. Sanford, D. (2009). Effectiveness of Wrist and Hand Splinting for Increasing Recovery of Individuals Post-Stroke. Skalsky, A. J., McDonald, C. M. (2012). Prevention and management of limb contractures in neuromuscular diseases.Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America,23(3), 675-687. Thibaut, A., Chatelle, C., Ziegler, E., Bruno, M. A., Laureys, S., Gosseries, O. (2013). Spasticity after stroke: physiology, assessment and treatment.Brain Injury,27(10), 1093-1105.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Verb Tense Chart free essay sample

Portrays an action or state of being that took place before the time when the sentence is written. We will write a custom essay sample on Verb Tense Chart or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I WAS I RAN I ATE HE SMILED PAST PERFECT Shows that the verb’s action was completed at some time before another past event. It consists of the word had plus the past participle of the verb. I HAD BEEN I HAD RUN I HAD EATEN HE HAD SMILED SIMPLE PAST PROGRESSIVE The past progressive is used to talk about an activity that was in progress at a specific point of time in the past. The emphasis is on the duration of the activity in the past. I WAS BEING I WAS RUNNING I WAS EATING HE WAS SMILING PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE This tense is used to emphasize the duration of an action that was completed before another action or event in the past. I HAD BEEN I HAD BEEN RUNNING I HAD BEEN EATING HE HAD BEEN SMILING SIMPLE PRESENT Used to describe an action or state of being that occurs at the time the sentence is written. I AM I RUN I EAT HE SMILES SIMPLE FUTURE Portrays an action or state of being that will occur sometime after the sentence is written. It is often formed with the word will. I WILL BE I WILL RUN I WILL EAT HE WILL SMILE FUTURE PERFECT Indicates that by the time of a specified future event, the verb’s action will have been completed. It is formed by adding the past participle of the verb to the words will have. I WILL HAVE BEEN I WILL HAVE RUN I WILL HAVE EATEN HE WILL HAVE SMILED SIMPLE FUTURE PROGRESSIVE This tense is used to describe an event or action that will occur over a period of time at a specific point in the future. I WILL BE I WILL BE RUNNING I WILL BE EATING HE WILL BE SMILING FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE This tense describes an action that has been in progress for a duration of time before another event or time in the future. I WILL HAVE BEEN I WILL HVE BEEN RUNNING I WILL HAVE BEEN EATING HE WILL HAVE BEEN SMILING PRESENT PERFECT Indicates that the verb’s action began in the past and continued up until the time the sentence was written. It is formed by adding the word have. I HAVE BEEN I HAVE RUN I HAVE EATEN HE HAS SMILED SIMPLE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE The present progressive can also be used to describe an action that is occurring in the present, but is temporary. I AM BEING I AM RUNNING I AM EATING HE IS SMILING PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE This tense is used to describe the duration of an action that began in the past and continues into the present. I HAVE BEEN I HAVE BEEN RUNNING I HAVE BEEN EATING HE HAS BEEN SMILING THE VERB – TO BE TO BE First Person Second Person Third Person First Person Plural Second Person Plural Third Person Plural past I was You were He, She, It was We were You all were They were present I am You are He, She, It is We are You all are They are future I will be You will be He, She, It will be We will be You all will be They will be

Monday, November 25, 2019

Complete Logistics Term Paper Guide

Complete Logistics Term Paper Guide A term paper in logistics is a major research work needed to be done at the end of every term. It is supposed to show the student’s knowledge of the subject gained during a semester, as well as his or her abilities to search for the relevant information, analyze it, and create a unique piece of writing. To be good at write logistics term paper writing, you should consider the essence of logistics and its functional areas. Logistics is the field that is occupied with planning, managing, controlling, and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the end user. In turn, the essence of a logistics term paper is to do extensive research under the guidance of an instructor. The vital step of the best logistics term paper writing is to pick an accurate and significant topic that will bring novelty into the research of the subject. 5 Fields of Logistics to Choose a Topic for Your Term Paper There is a vast variety of topics that could suit your research. Selection of the topic is a complicated process that could slow down your performance. The best way to avoid long thinking is to choose a particular topic that you are interested in. It will not only satisfy your thirst for knowledge, but it will also make the writing process more comfortable and much faster. In this manner, your topic can relate to any aspect of logistics, including the following: Logistics Management; Modes of Transportation in Logistics; Logistics Industry Analysis; Logistics in an E-World; Chain Supply Strategies Those are the broad topics that should be narrowed and focused on one particular subject. This way, in your logistics term paper, you can concentrate the attention on one specific enterprise and analyze its implementation of logistics functions. For instance, your topic can sound like: â€Å"An Analysis of the Application of Logistics Operations in FedEx Enterprise†. As you see creating the title of the logistics term paper is vital for your academic success. Your instructor needs to read your term paper as he/she evaluates it based on many assessment criteria. However, there are those who will conduct research on the same topic or field of study. How can this researcher understand that your paper can be useful for him or her? You can help only by inventing an informative title for your paper. Besides, it should be short, relevant to your topic, and, what is more important, eye-catching. For instance, the title of your logistics term paper can sound like â€Å"Logistics in Top Enterprises: [Company] and Its All Logistics Operations Used Ever† In this manner, your paper grabs the attention of the reader who is interested in the sphere of logistics and a particular company. 3 Simple Pre-Writing Steps to Simplify the Writing Process After you choose the topic that appeals to your preferences, there are some more critical issues that should be considered before the term paper writing process. Browse the Internet or printed texts to be sure that there are enough credible sources of information that will support your paper. If your topic is under-researched, your term paper will lack some pieces of evidence. Be ready to fill in some information gaps on your own. So where to search for the necessary information for term paper writing? The most efficient way to search for information relevant for logistics from internal and external sources. You can try out some resources for logistics right now. Consider the length of the logistics term paper that may vary from 10 pages to 15 pages. Guessing how much it is in words? So taking into consideration an online word counter, it may vary from 5000 to 7500 words. Since the topic can be too broad for a particular limit of words, or too narrow to include all the necessary information. Furthermore, if your term paper is supposed to be around 10 pages, you may face the lack of information to write on. Thus, you should go back to the first step and reconsider the available literature that covers your selected topic. As you see besides the ability to write, you need to collect enough scholar materials to make your research evident. Follow a strict structure of academic papers to which your logistics term paper is included as well. Writing for academic purposes implies a requirement to well-structuring. The most significant components of an academic piece of writing are the introduction, three or more body paragraphs (literature review, methodology, results, discussion), and conclusion. Besides, since a term paper implies a considerable amount of the text, it will be appropriate to add an abstract part. The Basic Structure for Your Term Paper on Logistics: Top Ticks from Our Writers Sometimes it may be hard to focus on a particular topic without getting sidetracked. That is why it may be useful to create a simple outline for yourself to see the sequence of the ideas that you want to cover in your research paper. With a simple outline in front of your eyes, the writing process will be much more comfortable and efficient. It will also help you to make your logistics term paper more comprehensive as well as its research ideas more linked. 1. Abstract: Write or Not to Write and What to Write? It is a short paragraph on a separate page at the beginning of your term paper. It is supposed to inform the readers about the main research idea of the whole paper before they start read it. Thus, it should be precise and concise, including the most significant issues discussed in your text and keywords. In some cases, the absence of the abstract part may be not critical. Examine the paper instructors carefully. 2. Introduction Is Must-Have for Your Term Paper It is a part your term paper should start with. However, you can work on it after you finish writing the main parts. It’s up to you. Just remember what you need to include. The first sentence of the introduction is a topic sentence. The topic sentence is supposed to grab the attention of your reader. It is a so-called â€Å"hook† that will force everyone to read further to satisfy the research interest. Thus, the topic sentence of the logistics term paper can include the following: â€Å"Recently, the logistics management sphere underwent so significant changes that made logisticians more demanding in the business industry.† After reading this sentence, want to know what kind of changes happened and why it influenced the demand? Right, you face the same purpose to get the reader interested. When the topic sentence is done to fulfill this purpose, it is essential to give some background information that relates to the topic. For instance, the middle part of the introduction for the logistics term paper can include something like that: â€Å"Although logistics has deep historical roots, it is a relatively a young science. The most rapid development of logistics was achieved during the Second World War when it was used to solve the tricky tasks and an explicit interaction of the defense industry, standard, and supply bases, and transport with the aim of timely supplying the army with weapons, fuel, and food. Nowadays, one of the leading logistics enterprises in the United States is the FedEx Corporation.† The thesis statement is the concluding sentence of your introduction designed to guide a reader. Usually, the thesis statement is a one sentence (sometimes more than one since it depends on the depth of the research) where you should include all the main ideas of your following logistics term paper. As well as the abstract, it should be precise and concise since you should show all the necessary information in this part so that a reader will get the awareness of the whole term paper. 3. Body Paragraphs Make Your Term Paper The set of body paragraphs is the core part of your logistics term paper. Each body paragraph should be revolved around the particular idea, or they can have a common point under a heading. The headings are quite useful since they help to organize the paper, and make the text more readable. So if you evaluate the topic based on the other findings, you write a literature review. If you deal with the research findings you make, interpret them in the finding section and so on. Writing a logistics term paper, it is essential to make your body paragraphs approximately the same size. To make your writing more credible, it is important to use citations. When a reader observes your ideas supported by the reliable researchers, it is easier to make him/her convinced of your point of view. The in-text citations are divided into direct citations and paraphrase or summary of one’s ideas that must also be cited in order to avoid plagiarism. A direct quote implies the insertion of the copied part from the source into your term paper. Usually, it is only a phrase or a sentence, but it could also be even a paragraph (in case your piece of writing is long enough) that is called a bloc citation. The other way to make your logistics term paper evident is to summarize the idea of the selected source and to paraphrase it into your own words. Such kind of citation also demands an in-text citation format. Considering the formats of in-text citations, there are two widely-used styles of formatting: APA (American Psychological Association) and MLA (Modern Language Association.) These two styles demand the different formats of citation. In APA, your in-text quote should look like this: â€Å"taken material† (author’s last name, year of publishing). The page number can also be present if it is required. In MLA, the citation looks slightly different: â€Å"taken material† (author’s last name page number). There are many more peculiarities of referencing that you can get acquainted with on the Purdue OWL website. 4. Conclusion Ends Your Term Paper Logically This section of your logistics term paper must be a logical statement of your research results that you come to as a researcher. Restate the thesis statement, then mention all the significant findings of your research. Similarly to the introduction, the conclusion doesn’t include citations as it is a brief summary of your work. That’s why there is no new information in this concluding part. Besides, at the end of your conclusion, you may bring attention to the importance of the further research of the topic or suggest a new one that will be related to the previous one. 2 Post-Writing Tips to Make Your Term Paper Submission-Ready It is true that you can take a sigh of relief after you finish writing a logistics term paper. However, it is still considered by your instructor not ready for submission, at least for successful submission. It may have some mistakes in formatting, grammar or spelling. No A+ is guaranteed to you. Just take 3 effective post-writing steps to have an A/A+ term paper. 1. Proofread Your Term Paper Thoroughly Remember that your research paper on Logistics is almost ready, but it still needs to be proofread and edited. Don’t consider the terms, proofreading and editing, interchangeable. Let’s focus on the first stage of the revision process proofreading. There may be some mistakes in grammar or misspelled words. Double check the paper to make sure that there is no mistake. If you have enough time, then it will be better to proofread your logistics term paper later, at least in one day after the long writing process. In this manner, your mind will refresh, and the eyes will be eligible to mention all possible mistakes. However, if there is no time and the deadline is around the corner, then you can use a website like Grammarly oir any other, give the paper to a keen-eyed expert, or try to proofread it by yourself word by word. 2. Edit Like an Expert in Editing Whereas the proofreading process is focused on correcting some common mistakes for writing, the editing process is aimed at several aspects: Content, Structure, Style. Reread your paper once again to make sure that it is well-organized and relevant to your writing academic purpose to research a topic on logistics so that it will broaden the knowledge in the field. Remember that all the paper sections/paragraphs are arranged in a logical sequence. Keep an eye out for the correct formatting style (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.) All the sources that are used in your paper must be cited and referred appropriately. Besides, all of them must be included in the separate reference page. In MLA formatting style, it should be under the centered heading â€Å",† while in APA it is called â€Å"References.† The sources in the reference list should always be in alphabetical order. Each kind of source has a different way of referencing, whether it is a book, article, newspaper, or journal, and so on. However, the referencing standards are flexible and change after a particular period of time. Make a correct and appropriate reference list according to the credible examples.

Friday, November 22, 2019

When Should I Take the SAT or ACT?

Standardized tests are an important—and stressful—part of your application, and trying to figure out when is the right time to take them may be confusing. So just when should you sit for the SAT or ACT? It is important to remember that the age-old adage â€Å"the earlier the better† doesn’t necessarily apply here. The older you are when you take the SAT or ACT, the better you are likely to perform on the test. So, you probably won’t achieve your best possible score if you take it as a freshman. However, you are technically allowed to take take the tests as early as you want. Doing so may give you a starting point to find out the areas in which you can improve. Starting early also enables you to retake the test, although given that the the SAT is administered around seven times per year and the ACT is given around six times per year, you should have ample opportunity to do so even if you take it later on, as long as you don’t wait until the last possible sitting. It is also worth keeping in mind that you generally shouldn’t take the SAT or ACT more than three times , because you are unlikely to improve your score substantially after the second time, and admissions officers tend not to like seeing students take the tests too many times. If you are applying Early Decision, plan on taking standardized tests no later than the October or November administration deadlines your senior year of high school. This year, those dates are November 5 th for the SAT (register by October 7 th ) and October 22 nd for the ACT (for which registration has closed). If you are applying Regular Decision, your deadline is likely December or January. The 2016-2017 admission cycle, those dates are January 21, 2017 for the SAT (register by December 21 st ) and December 10 th for the ACT (register by November 4 th ). NB: There are late deadlines as well, but you will have to pay a late fee if you don’t register by the initial deadlines. Be sure to check the policies regarding standardized test deadlines of the schools to which you are applying. Some colleges may prefer that you complete all testing prior to submitting your application. There are many disadvantages to waiting until the the last possible minute to take the SAT or ACT. First, you may have to pay additional fees to rush your scores to the colleges on your list if you wait too late. As mentioned above, there are fees associated with waiting too late to register as well. Additionally, if you take the test during the final possible administration for your purposes, you won’t be able to retake it. That means you are stuck with whatever score you receive, when you could have potentially performed better if you took the test a second time—in fact, many students (though not all) do receive higher scores in their second go-around , due to a decrease in stress, better preparation, or more familiarity with the test. Our students see an average increase of 250 points on their SAT scores. Another important decision to make is when you should take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT). You are not required to take the PSAT as part of your college admissions process, but many students choose to do so any way, since it offers you a good way to practice for the SAT and discover where you should focus your improvement efforts. Additionally, the PSAT also functions as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) , meaning your scores will be used to determine if you are a National Merit finalist. You may take the PSAT earlier, but only the scores you receive on the PSAT you take your junior year may qualify you for a National Merit award. Some students choose to take the test in their sophomore year for additional practice as well as their junior year. Another advantage to taking the PSAT is that when you take it, as well as the SAT or any AP test, you have the option of opting into College Board’s Student Search Service , which shares your contact information with schools at which your academic profile is similar to that of their typical applicants. If you participate, colleges will contact you with important information, which can help with your college search and honing your final list. The PSAT is administered by your high school once a year. This year, your high school may choose among the following dates: College Board’s recommendation is the primary date. If you want to take the PSAT, you must do it on the date your high school designates. While you can usually take standardized tests as early as you would like, we at recommend that you take the PSAT in the fall of your junior year and the SAT or ACT at its first administration in the spring of your junior year. Doing so allows enough time to retake the test as many times as you need or want to, and ensures that you have reached your maximum (or near-maximum) potential score because you are older and have been in school longer than you were as a freshman or sophomore. Taking the test too early is not necessary and can cause unnecessary stress.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nurse Client Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nurse Client Relationship - Essay Example Psychodynamic perspective theories explains that one’s behavior is determined by what they think of most of the time and thus not until they get on the issue, they are likely to be stagnated at the same point in time. Lastly, antisocial disorder theory explains that some people inherit the traits of failure to conform to society norms, being manipulative and deceitful aggressive or irritability. Thus, this is an inherited disorder that may lead to maladaptive behavior. Sigmoid Freud’s theory explains the reason as to why W.S is so much involved in her substance abuse. Probably the memory of her grandmother and significant other is still fresh in her conscious mind, hence making it hard for to go one with life (Townsend, 2014). The client is using marijuana to reduce anxiety. Due to the loss of her significant others, most of the time she is subjected to anxiety and that grieving and bereavement, hence leaving her with delusional thoughts and hallucinations. Thus, by using marijuana, she is psyched up leaving less anxious than before. Secondly, it is definite that W.S I am dealing with self-esteem issues, love and affection. It is like she is lonely after losing her grandmother and a significant other. Thus, by receiving more affection and love, she is likely to recover from the loss she had. At the same time, she needs canceling on her self-esteem to enable her move on. The patient is admitted for psychotic disorder where she has presented for the last two weeks a very bizarre behavior which is as a result of excessive smoking of marijuana. Social history of the patient is that she is very addicted to smoking marijuana but neither does she drink alcohol nor smoke cigarettes. She is not yet married and does not work anywhere at this point in time. She endorses learning with disability and she is a high school graduate with a special ED. The patient has had a history of smoking bhang on his daily life which she could do several times in the day. This

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Performance Appraisal - Bill Blizard's Scenario Assignment

Performance Appraisal - Bill Blizard's Scenario - Assignment Example He wants the problems to be specified precisely so that he may be able to come up with the solutions quickly; however, this attitude sometimes alienates the clients. Bill understands the company’s commitment to use downsized, limited resources wisely, and has separated genuine problems from user-created problems caused by their particular application or â€Å"customization† of the software or their computer â€Å"illiteracy†. He has great expertise in controlling costs; however, this also has alienated some clients who have gone to other vendors than Crystar. Bill lacks people skills. Despite all discussion sessions, goal-setting meetings his employer has had with him, and the one sensitivity training class, he still lacks what needs to come up to the employer’s expectations when it comes to people skills. He did not attend the additional people’s skills seminars that his employer had suggested which shows his lack of flexibility in this specific regard. He does not show interest in those client problems about which he thinks that the client should solve on his own. He cannot handle his attitude in this regard. His roughness, arrogance, and lack of patience are explicit when he deals with non-technical clients. His extreme attempts to control costs have made clients complain about his unresponsiveness and unwillingness to solve what they perceive to be shortcomings in the software. Despite three quarterly reviews, he has only concentrated on his technical skills rather than learning managerial and supervisory skills. Bill needs to redirect his priorities to come up to the employer’s expectations. He needs to learn how to deal with non-technical clients who convey their problems in general terms. He should also learn to hide his frustrations while dealing with customers. He needs to learn how to delegate responsibility and to oversee those who must carry out routine tasks. He must take communication

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Aldi Case Essay Example for Free

Aldi Case Essay Aldi’s organized and simple supply chain allows for fast shipment. However, what makes Aldi unique is that while it carries a diverse set of 1,500 products, it does not compare to the number of products sold by Walmart at 125,000. Therefore Aldi offers an enjoyable shopping experience for its customers. Customers do not feel overwhelmed by all of the choices of products like they may do at a Walmart store. A major difference between the two companies is how fast they replenish their products. Walmart uses an extremely complex system that can create lag time in the supply chain. Also, Aldi strives on promoting its own brand unlike its competitors. 95% of its goods are the Aldi brand. I believe Aldi is different from its competitors because the company is foreign based and that it is a small format. In the New York Times article about why Aldi has succeeded in cities where Walmart has not it says a major reason is because of its small product line. A simple product line has allowed Aldi to be very profitable. Focusing on one genre of products to sell, Aldi can increase the quality of those products. The company does not spread itself out too thin and strives on brining the lowest best quality product to the shelves. )Why have they been so successful over the years? This should be from a consumer perspective. Different from #1 which is from the company perspective. What is the compelling consumer need or perception that they fill in the marketplace. How do they compare to our biggest discounter in food, Walmart? I believe Aldi has become so successful over the years because the company strives on simplicity. Employees of Aldi understand consumer behavior very well. They know consumers are lazy and want to be in and out of stores in the quickest time possible. Therefore, Aldi management has created a shopping experience meant for the â€Å"in and out shopper† which has seen great positive affects. To be the most efficient store, Aldi’s â€Å"do not accept checks or credit cards. There is no butcher or bakery, and fruit is sold in bags to speed checkout. † Compared to Walmart, a store that offers a far less enjoyable consumer experience, Aldi strives to be different. Unlike Aldi’s, Walmart stores can sometimes be intimidating to consumers because of the vast array of product offerings. Consumers find shopping at Walmart to be difficult because there is not a lot of help and that the store is just too large. Aldi’s on the other hand, creates a much more consumer friendly atmosphere by offering only food and household items. Also when you walk into an Aldi store, you are immediately in a shopping aisle. The store is designed so consumers need to walk through every aisle creating more chances of incidental exposure. Aldi stores are not designed to look pretty. The only purpose they offer to consumers is to help them find products that they need. 3)After visiting our local Aldi’s store, why do you think this global powerhouse may struggle to do well in the US? What was your initial impression of the store? Who shops there? After visiting the store, I believe this global powerhouse may struggle in the US because the inside of the store is not very conducive to providing a great shopping experience. The aisles are messy and the products look as if they were pulled out from the back of a truck. The store is dimly lit and seems almost dirty. When I walked into the store, I was originally taken back because I had a mindset that it was going to be very nice. However, I was wrong. I did not enjoy my surroundings and I did not believe that Aldi focuses on the high quality portion of their mission, but only the low cost. Also, the customers that Aldi attracts are lower class individuals. These people shop in bulk and are attracted to the store because of the low prices. They do not care about the sloppiness of the displays just that they can get the lowest price. 4)Knowing what you do about assortment, what part of the ROA equation do you think they maximize? Explain. I believe Aldi maximizes the total assets part of the formula. Because the company strives on stocking it shelves with a limited number of products, their total assets are relatively low. This creates a higher ROA. Aldi has done a very good job at maximizing sales while controlling expenses. The higher the income and lower the total assets shows how well Aldi is producing earnings from its assets. 5)Now, talk to someone that has shopped at a Trader Joe’s, also owned by Aldi. Why do you think this similar strategy with a completely different execution (in store look and feel) might be more successful here in the US. Look at their US locations for Trader Joe’s. How can they continue to have limited assortment and yet cater to a more affluent target than Aldi’s stores? Based on the article you read, why do you think Trader Joes and Aldi’s are so secretive about their business? Many US businesses see it as PR if they are covered in the press, these entities feel this is unnecessary. What would you do if the head of marketing for the parent company, adapt to US marketing standards of transparency builds relationships or keep your image hidden and let your products, locations, etc speak for themselves? (Explain your rationale using marketing principles not just your opinion). I believe this similar strategy with a different execution of Trader Joe’s is more successful here because they are more aware of what American consumers want and how they shop. Trader Joe’s connects with its consumers on a more personal level. Their employees are friendly and their displays are unique, creating an overall enjoyable shopping experience. I think Trader Joe’s is more successful because the company swaps selection for quality. Customers have begun to trust Trader Joe’s in that what ever is on their shelves is the best possible product. Aldi does not have this trust yet. With time, more and more customers will begin to trust the foreign company in that their offerings are of the best quality. Also, I believe Aldi needs to focus ore on creating nicer displays. Currently, these stores are very messy and this could be a reason consumers do not like shopping there. Trader Joe’s can target more affluent people by offering more unique products. Already it offers exotic, affordable luxuries and for it further differentiate itself from Aldi, Trader Joe’s should expand these types of products while cutting back on more common products they sell. Based on the article, I believe Aldi’s and Trader Joe’s are so secretive about how they run their individual businesses because they have been so successful. I believe they do not want larger stores such as Walmart and Target to figure out their key to success. Because Walmart and Target occupy a large sector of the market and are both extremely powerful, Aldi and Trader Joe’s do not want to be overtaken by them. If I were head of marketing I would continue with keeping the companies image hidden for a period of time. If this tactic was not working, I would soon then adapt to a more transparent company. US consumers like to hear from their favorite companies and they like to feel a connection to the upper levels of management, therefore companies who are more hidden from them may not fare as well.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Artificial Insemination :: Pregnancy Reproduction Essays

Artificial Insemination There are different types of responsibility involved in human reproduction. With modern biomedical technology the question of â€Å"who is responsible?† comes up a lot more. Artificial insemination is one of newer forms of technology that involves that question, which includes moral, and social responsibility. In â€Å"Artificial Insemination† Munson raises the question not only of who’s responsible but also what responsibilities and rights the sperm donor has and where fatherhood comes into place in that situation. He argues that the responsibilities of the donor are severed from the child produced but has the responsibility of quality, meaning informing the bank of any diseases and family history. Mainly the topic Munson seems to focus on is the responsibility the sperm donor has to the child. He believes that â€Å"The donor’s actions consist only in donating (selling) his sperm†¦ some responsibility attach to such actions, but the responsibility of being a moral father is not among them†. The moral father of a child does not necessarily mean the biological father, but the man that is involved in planning or actions, such as intercourse, towards the pregnancy. Munson then supports his arguments well with the example of two court cases. The case of People vs. Sorenson shows that Mr. Sorensen, even after divorcing his wife, was still responsible for the child even if he wasn’t the biological father. He was involved with the planning and consented to his wife getting pregnant using artificial insemination, therefore was held liable for child support. Munson then explained that â€Å"the sperm donor was explicitly held to be no differe nt from a blood donor†. The other case used was the case of CM vs. CC. In that case CM, the supplier of the sperm was also implicated in the planning of the pregnancy. Even though CC and CM were dating exclusively during most of the pregnancy, when they separated CC refused to allow CM visit the child. The court found the manner in which CC was impregnated irrelevant and granted him visitation rights and parental obligations. The use of this case shows that even though artificial insemination was used, the man involved in the planning, who also happened to be the donor, is the moral father. Artificial Insemination :: Pregnancy Reproduction Essays Artificial Insemination There are different types of responsibility involved in human reproduction. With modern biomedical technology the question of â€Å"who is responsible?† comes up a lot more. Artificial insemination is one of newer forms of technology that involves that question, which includes moral, and social responsibility. In â€Å"Artificial Insemination† Munson raises the question not only of who’s responsible but also what responsibilities and rights the sperm donor has and where fatherhood comes into place in that situation. He argues that the responsibilities of the donor are severed from the child produced but has the responsibility of quality, meaning informing the bank of any diseases and family history. Mainly the topic Munson seems to focus on is the responsibility the sperm donor has to the child. He believes that â€Å"The donor’s actions consist only in donating (selling) his sperm†¦ some responsibility attach to such actions, but the responsibility of being a moral father is not among them†. The moral father of a child does not necessarily mean the biological father, but the man that is involved in planning or actions, such as intercourse, towards the pregnancy. Munson then supports his arguments well with the example of two court cases. The case of People vs. Sorenson shows that Mr. Sorensen, even after divorcing his wife, was still responsible for the child even if he wasn’t the biological father. He was involved with the planning and consented to his wife getting pregnant using artificial insemination, therefore was held liable for child support. Munson then explained that â€Å"the sperm donor was explicitly held to be no differe nt from a blood donor†. The other case used was the case of CM vs. CC. In that case CM, the supplier of the sperm was also implicated in the planning of the pregnancy. Even though CC and CM were dating exclusively during most of the pregnancy, when they separated CC refused to allow CM visit the child. The court found the manner in which CC was impregnated irrelevant and granted him visitation rights and parental obligations. The use of this case shows that even though artificial insemination was used, the man involved in the planning, who also happened to be the donor, is the moral father.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Should the Drinking Age Stay the Same

Madelene Radillo Enc 1101/ Research Paper Prof. John Colagrande Many people use alcohol to â€Å"loosen themselves up† in anticipation of having sex with a new partner. It is a commonly held a belief that alcohol is an aphrodisiac. Since drinking alcohol can make people feel more comfortable engaging in sex it can lead to a one night stand, and a handful of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually active teens and young adults have unprotected sex because they are under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol can make anyone become more sexual and do things that were not planned, which is a leading factor in teenage pregnancy. It is estimated that teenage girls who binge drink are up to 63 percent more likely to become pregnant. Another problem with drinking too much alcohol is that it can cause a blackout which may lead to a date rape. The victim has no recognition of what is going on in their surroundings and may go along with any scheme. As of April 2008 â€Å"more than 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape each year. Also, among university students â€Å"over one-half of all sexual assaults are committed by men who have been drinking alcohol, while approximately 50% of victims also report alcohol use at the time of the assault† (www. collegedrinkingprevention. gov) Even with the drinking age being 21, there is a target market made to promote underage drinking. People tend to argue that if men and women are old enough to fight for their country then they should be old enough to drink. This may be true, but an 18 or 19 year old who has joined the military and been broken down, trained, and rebuilt almost always comes back different then when they came in. They are taught structure and discipline; two key factors that may be lacking in a regular civilian. Unfortunately, teens in today’s social environment tend to think that they are invincible and will do just about anything in order to fit in. The problem seems to be in their lack of guidance and or experience. Nowadays, children tend to find their morals in reality television shows and music videos, rather than in structured social environments (i. e. school, home, church etc. ). Teens and young adults (college students) are not ready to handle the responsibility that drinking entails or the repercussions that follow when too many drinks are put into the wrong hands. Lowering the drinking age will only add to the problem.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Steve Jobs Informative

Outline for Informative Speech Topic: Steve JobsGeneral Purpose: To Inform SpecificPurpose: To inform my audience about the life of Steve Jobs Thesis: Technology would never be the same ever since the arrival of the great Steve Jobs. * Introduction Attention Getter: In 1984 the first cd play or â€Å"Walk-man† was released. The first laptop came out in 1982 and cost a mere $8,150 which comes out to $19,630 today. In 2001 the first smartphone was released. All of these devices since have been outdated and updated. And the company that runs them all is Apple Co.And Apple would not be where it is if not for the mastermind behind it all, Steve Jobs Significance: Almost everyone, everywhere either own or have owned an IPod, IPhone, or Macbook.Credibility: According to CNN. net â€Å"Apple IPhone controls half of the web traffic produced by all smartphones. † And according to Amazon. com 4/10 laptops sold are Macbooks. Thesis: Steve Jobs has changed the technology world and t he way that the world uses technology. Preview: Specifically I will talk about Jobs upbringing, how apple got started, and what they did to become a powerhouse in technology. Transition: The reason Steve Jobs named it apple was because he used to work for Atari and Apple got in the phone book before it.BodyTo first understand the genius that is Steve Jobs we have to look at his upbringing and his past. According to biography. com Steve Jobs was born Steve Paul in San Francisco, California on February 24th, 1955 Steve Jobs was adopted almost right after birth by Clara and Paul Jobs. While at a young age Jobs showed an interest in technology mainly because his family moved to Los Altos, California.And in Los Altos was Hewitt-Packard one of the biggest technology companies of the time. While young Steve and Paul would work on electronics in the garage. Paul taught Steve how to take apart and reconstruct them, a hobby that would inspire jobs to his dream. While Jobs was always a thinker , he had a difficult time in school. His Fourth grade teacher even had to bribe him to focus However he tested so well the school board wanted to bump him to high school but his parents declined * Transition: Jobs didn’t start his own company alone nor was it a success right away.Body 2In 1971 Jobs enrolled at Homestead High School Not long after that did he was introduced to his future partner in business Steve Wozniak through a friend. Wozniak was attending University of Michigan when they met. Wozniak once said in an interview with ABC News â€Å"We both loved electronics and the way we used to hook up digital chips,† Wozniak said. â€Å"Very few people, especially back then had any idea what chips were, how they worked and what they could do. I had designed many computers so I was way ahead of him in electronics and computer design, but we still had common interests.We both had pretty much sort of an independent attitude about things in the world. † After Hi gh School Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Oregon Lacking focus and direction Jobs dropped out after only 6 months but still continued to go to some Art classes Jobs then took a game testing job for Atari in 1974 He left after 7 months to go to India to find spiritual enlightenment in India While he did this he experimented with psychogenic drugs and traveled the world. In 1976, when Jobs was just 21 he and Wozniak started Apple Computers They started the company out of Jobs parents garageThey funded Apple by Jobs selling his car and Wozniak selling his scientific calculator * Transition: From this point Apple would excel and grow in fameBody 3Jobs and Wozniak were credited with revolutionizing the computer industry They did this by making the computer smaller, cheaper, and available to an everyday consumer. They first came out with the Apple I The computer first listed at $700. 00 a piece It made the company $774,000 3 years after the release of Apple II their sales increase 700% T his made Apple worth $139 million. In 1980, Apple became a publically traded company with a value of $1. billion on the first day of trade. After this, Apple would come out with a couple of failures and lose popularity to IBM CO. The Apple board began to think Jobs was hurting apple and phased him out * Transition: Jobs was not always an Apple man, but opened multiple Big named companies we all know about.Body 4In 1985, Jobs stepped down as Apple’s CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT Inc. The next following years NeXT grew and Jobs bought out an animation studio called Pixar. Jobs had high faith in Pixar so he invested $50 million of his own money in it.Pixar released very popular movies such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles Pixar’s films netted $4 billion In 2006 the studio merged with Walt Disney, making Steve Jobs Disney’s largest shareholder. Apple then bought out NeXT in 1997 for $429 million That same year Jobs retur ned to his post as Apple’s CEO Jobs then put apple back on top With a new management team and altered stock options and only taking an annual salary of $1 Also coming out with new devices, marketing techniques, and cool looking designs he recaptured the world’s attention.Conclusion After all this commotion, going from top, to bottom, back on top Steve Jobs has marked his name in history for many companies and big time in the technology industry. Sadly on October 5, 2011 Apple Inc. announced that co-founder Steve Jobs had died at the age of 56 of pancreatic cancer. Even though Jobs is gone his legacy will live on. I have now attempted to tell you on who Steve Jobs was growing up, on how Apple was created, how it became successful, and how Steve Jobs was the mastermind behind it all.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Invasion of panama essays

Invasion of panama essays Operation Just Cause: The Truth Behind the Invasion of Panama. In 1501 Spanish explorer Rodrigo de Bastidas, sailing west from Venezuela, was the first European to reach the Isthmus of Panama. The Spanish King Ferdinand V saw in Panama a country filled with prospects and resources for years to come. At that early stage, Panama soon became a vital part of world commerce with the creation of the Royal Road or Camino Real. Through this important path, trading became much more efficient as they were able to cross from one ocean to the other at a much faster pace (Speller 26). Panama still is a vital country for commerce around the world, and a highly important country for the new empire, the United States. Having the same idea in mind, almost 4 centuries later, the United States improved on the Royal Road. Only this time it was not a road, it was a waterway. At the end of the 19th century, the United States began construction of the most important and vital waterway in the world, the Panama Canal. Through the Panama Canal, the world once again was able to connect The Pacific and The Atlantic Ocean, in a way that would benefit all. It was then, that the United States became deeply involved in Panama, both diplomatically and physically. Diplomatically, because their relations with the Panamanian government intensified, and physically because after the construction of the Panama Canal, and a new but somewhat biased treaty, they were allowed to move in to Panama and gain control of the land surrounding the panama Canal, known was the Panama Canal Zone (Speller 33). Now, the United States was not protecting a vital but separate country, they were protecting their own. As one book clearly states no property of the United States is of greater economic importance than the Panama Canal. (Speller 1). Soon, any threat to the Canal was a threat not only to Panama but also to the United States, and this became their primary excuse. They ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

How to make make money online Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to make make money online - Article Example This is the final step in devising a website that serves a number of different purposes. There are thousands of free website sites which could be used to earn money online. The website standards need to be followed in order to gain success in the long run. Also how to start a webpage for free is a similar undertaking that must be properly understood so that a person could find ways to earn money online (Koch 1996). These are significant measures that will bring success for the domains of someone who believes a great deal in making money online. One most important point here is to properly check the website again and again to know that money making ways are up and running, and that there are no difficulties in the wake of making more money with the changing times. Works Cited Koch, Tom. The Message is the Medium: Online All the Time for Everyone. Praeger Publishers, 1996 Ploster, George. Making Money as an Aggregator. Online, 28, March 2004 Smith, Jennifer. Online Learning and Teachin g in Higher Education. Open University Press, 2007

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Term Paper Example The stores of this company are designed in a very systematic way. Earlier the company was owned by Oak Hill Capital Partners. It was a private equity firm. In 2010 Duane Reade was acquired by Walgreen Company. This case study explains some aspects of Duane Reade business in a detailed way. The firm is operating its business in retail industry. In USA, there are many big players present in the retail market. Duane Reade is experiencing strong competition in this industry. It is also facing threats from its strong competitors like Walmart, CVS etc. Some of the strategies of Duane Reade provide it competitive advantage which is explained in this case study. The firm is also experiencing some benefits and issues for its merger with Walgreen Company which are highlighted in this case study. I am an employee of Duane Reade. I am working in this company for a long time. In Duane Reade I am holding the position of shift manager. I have learned many good things from this organization and have a very good experience with it. As a shift manager I have got the opportunity to know many vital things from this company. Duane Reade has faced different types of situations for performing its business activities. I have experienced those situations and observed many things. Earlier Duane Reade had huge amount of debts. But presently the company has repaid its debts and it is now expanding at a faster rate. In New York, Duane Reade is the largest drugstore chain. The sales volume of this company is very high. So Duane Reade is able to sell its products at a lower rate that its competitors. For this reason the company has a large customer base. It acts as a strong advantage to the firm. I have seen the company in implementing various marketing and operational strategies which are tailored to meet the needs and requirements of its targeted customers of New York. This helped Duane Reade to acquire and retain more number of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Coca-Cola Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The Coca-Cola Company - Essay Example However, rising environmental concerns and 'green' initiatives adopted by various multinational companies have led Coca-Cola to adopt green marketing strategy. However, it is felt that the initiatives undertaken by them have yet to impact their brand image. This paper will highlight the importance of maintaining their market positioning and careful selection of target segment which will help the company to have more impact when introducing 'green' marketing initiatives. The paper recommends initiatives like use of renewable energy, celebrity endorsements, use of social networks site and presence in various 'green' events to build on their brand image of a 'green' organization. Coca-Cola is a multinational company with majority of its products ranging from varieties of carbonated drinks, juices and water. Carbonated drinks account for a major segment of soft drink industry. Soft drink has been increasingly popular among the younger generations and is the fastest growing industry in the beverage-industry. Coca-Cola has a strong market presence in the soft drink industry and has been continuously introducing various new products to satisfy the needs of their existing customers as well as attract new customers. ... Carbonated drinks account for a major segment of soft drink industry. Soft drink has been increasingly popular among the younger generations and is the fastest growing industry in the beverage-industry. Coca-Cola has a strong market presence in the soft drink industry and has been continuously introducing various new products to satisfy the needs of their existing customers as well as attract new customers. Through acquisition of local soft drink products, they have been strategically gaining competitive edge and strong local market presence. Coca-Cola's market strategy has helped them achieve high revenue and a strong brand image. Marketing strategies including buzz marketing, viral marketing, and celebrity endorsements have helped Coca-Cola to retain its brand image as well as remain competitive in the soft drink industry. In recent past, protection and preservation of natural environment have been one of the key promotional themes of many major corporations which are highlighted through 'green marketing'. Green marketing is a term that is used for activities spanning manufacturing a product to selling that product with a minimum impact on the environment. Environmental concerns like plastic disposal, wastewater discharge and increased energy consumption are some of the targets that companies have been considering. In view of these corporate-trends, the soft drink industry with Coca-Cola leading the bandwagon changed its manufacturing, packaging and distributing practices to address the environmental concerns and projecting themselves to be partners in the novel cause. With rising global concerns, consumers are also becoming more aware of their environment. They are becoming eco-friendly by

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Geography introduction Essay Example for Free

Geography introduction Essay My investigation is a study of hydrology, as I want to find out how and why a rivers channel, flow and valley characteristics change as you move downstream from its upper course to its mouth. These changes are represented in the Bradshaw Model (fig 1), a fluvial model that describes changes in the river channel and flow characteristics between different courses along the river. Based on three factors, it is possible to infer information about the processes of river erosion, transportation and deposition that occurs along the river. I will use the Bradshaw Model to compare the river at Holford Combe with the characteristics that you would expect to happen and what impact these characteristics have on the formation of landforms along the course of the river. Fig 1: The Bradshaw Model Location Holford Combe is located in the Quantock hills, North Somerset (Fig2). The Village of Holford is about 14 miles from Bridgwater, on the A39 and 6 miles (10 km) east of Williton. The village is mainly situated on the left of the A39 whilst on the right there is the village hall and cricket field. Holford has been an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) since 1956. It is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The name of the river is The Holford Combe River (Fig 4). It is 7km long and the source of the river is at Ladys Fountain Spring, Frog Combe (Fig 5) (Fig 3) which is near Halsway. It is 250m above sea level, and the Mouth is at Kilve Pill. The river flows northward through Holford and kilve villages. The land is used for agriculture for example Pepperhill is a beef herd farm on the slopes of the Quantocks and Durborough is a hill farm, on the edge of Quantock Common, keeping mainly sheep. Fig 2: Ariel map of North Somerset, UK Fig 3: Source of the River Holford. Fig 5: OS map of Holford Why the river Holford? The Holford Combe river is ideal for my study because the river is short (7km) long, so we would have been able to collect more data in the time we were there. Also you can get a better overview of the general trends in a rivers processes and landforms over its full course. We can be more certain of our conclusions about the pattern along the Holford Combe River and how closely they relate to the Bradshaw Model (fig 1). The length is very important because we were only aloud two days outside of school lessons to complete the data collection. The being short meant we were able to walk the length of the river from source to mouth and not waste time from travelling to different sites. It’s a good site choice from a health and safety perspective (fig 6) as the river is not to wide or deep and being short as well. Also erosional processes haven’t had much time to act against the river channel, to make sure it didn’t make it dangerously deep or wide. The river was very accessible to us from school (only 47 miles, South west of Bristol), so it was very easy to get to and realistic and cost effective for the site there. Fig 6: Risk Assessment Risk assessments are important because then you know of any potential dangers of where you are going and to avoid any potential incidents and so you are prepared in an unlikely event of an accident. Bibliography The websites I have used to get my information that i needed were: http://www.quantockonline.co.uk/quantocks/villages/holford/holford1.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Holford http://www.quantockhills.com/education/Qpedia/Topics/Place/People/Land-Use/Far

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Acute Stress Disorder Rehabilitation

Acute Stress Disorder Rehabilitation â€Å"Up to 65 per cent of Australians are likely to experience or witness an event which threatens their life or safety† (19). Quite often trauma victims can recover by their own. However, with others it may have a negative reaction to a traumatic event which can then lead to an illness called Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) (16). This disorder is associated with mental and physical conditions combined thus causing reductions in a person’s quality of life and as a consequence includes economic burdens (12). (3) Due to the result of all the accumulating evidence, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – fifth edition (DSM-5) has marked and modified goals and criteria for ASD. Under new criteria, ASD diagnosis will no longer predict chronic Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It will help to identify more severely affected survivors of trauma prior a diagnosis of PTSD can be made. Furthermore, the acuity people will perhaps get benefit from earlier interventions and sho rt-term rehabilitation programs that are the great help in the recovery process. Early rehabilitation interventions, including self-care strategy, thought control strategy, and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) would speed up recovery and prevent chronic longer term problems. Besides that, family members, clinicians, and social support networks play an important role in support mechanism for recovery process. Inaddition, some potential barriers are also discussed in predicting of new problems and relapse which may occur in order to manage them. Potential recovery According to (2) DSM-5 in 2013, ASD was relocated in Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders. ASD is a psychological and physical shock which usually appears in response to a traumatic event in a person’s life. The acutely traumatized person can be directly exposed to or be the witness of a traumatic events such as serious accident (21%), physical assault (19%), rape or witnessing a mass shooting (50%) or natural disaster (10%)(19). (9) Symptoms of ASD occur immediately right after the trauma, and it lasts for more than 2 days and less than 1 month (4). The victim usually suffers from anxiety, distress, intense fear, helplessness, avoidance behaviours or re-experience the event (16). (15) It has been recorded that 15% to 45% of children and adolescents directly experience to at least one traumatic event. There is no statistics of how many distressed people can fully recover due to these traumas; however in many studies it has been confirmed that ASD patients can have a full rec overy under appropriate treatments. This study strongly emphasis on ASD rehabilitation rather than attempting to predict subsequent PTSD. Due to ASD timeframe is short, many victims are usually been ignored. Particularly, children and adolescent are in high risk of developing PTSD which leads to long-term psychological sequel in their life and causes a burden on health care systems. Therefore, (15) highlighted that recognizing ASD symptoms is an important step in toward enhancing intervention in the right time and speed up the recovery process. Additionally, with a formal diagnosis, it will allow highly distressed people to claim compensations from the health care service and payment for recovery treatment (4). In order to get appropriate diagnosis and early intervention, physicians play a critical role for assessments and monitoring all physical and psychological symptoms. Recovery process Whenever a referral from a physician has been made, the traumatized patients will go through a rehabilitation process. This process needs self-care strategy, thought control strategy, and CBT to support patients’ recovery and to decrease the future incidence of PTSD. (7) With self-care strategies, it focuses on personal strengths and their own judgment. Whether any kind of psychotherapies are provided to traumatic people, they should rely on their own recovery ability first. Without their own effort, all the supports will become ineffective. Traumatic patients, then, will receive reassurance and support, such as simple information and advices on self-care to overcome the normal recovery process. However, if the person cannot scope with these extremely severe events, and express a prolonged distress, or interfere with daily activities, they will need to be referral to another level of psychotherapy. Currently, it has been found that thought control strategy is an acceptable strategy for managing trauma related distress in the short term rehabilitation. Use of thought control strategy will aim to reduce the emotional distress by sharing the traumatic stories in the unforgettable period of time (14). There are four components (worry, distraction, social element and re-appraisal) which are the most commonly used to focus on helping the patient to normalize reactions to trauma (22). The first being Worry/Stress, it is best trying to get the patient to not concentrate on the stressful thought itself. Encouraging the patient to try and replace worry or stress with other day to day concerns that may hold a more minor bearing. The second is distraction. Finding a healthy distraction could be simple as think about things that provide a positive feeling or immerse the patient in an activity that is pleasurable. This will stop the patient concentrating on the traumatic event and allow them to go about a daily routine. The third would be social elements that could help. This could be asking or speaking with friends about their thoughts and how they have dealt with such events in their lives. Asking about what worked for them or what may have helped them avoid concentrating on the stressful event. This would be discussed fully so that the patient could reflect and understand how this could apply to their situation. The fourth is re-appraisal, trying and interpreting their feelings and understanding why these things are affecting them emotionally and rationalize their reactions to these feelings. From here they should challenge the validity of their emotions and feelings in order to control positive or negative feelings. If these self-care strategy and thought control strategy still have not worked well for recovery, CBT would be the next step of treatment in rehabilitation. (12) CBT will be given in five therapy sessions this comprising prolonged exposure (PE) and cognitive restructuring (CR). (12) found that these sessions provide brief forms of treatment in reducing acute symptoms of ASD in the initial month after trauma exposure. (8) PE focuses in emotional processing of thoughts. It helps interrupt and reserve recovery process by blocking cognitive and behavioral avoidance. This is accomplished through in vivo and imaginal expose. Vivo exposure involves repeatedly activities and situations that are avoided because of trauma. Overtime, the patient can reduce distressing emotion and fear. Then, they can cope effectively through these distresses. Imaginal exposure is related to repeatedly describe the event aloud in details, then recording. After that, they listen to their record in order to help t hem to realize their coping skill. Following initial assessment, patients were informed that they would be reassessed after 6 weeks Support mechanism Besides psychotherapy in rehabilitation process and early supportive care structure being delivered is an important step which supports the recovery process. Its result last long in reductions of ASD symptoms. Supportive care deliverers are family members, physician or social support network will help the traumatic patient go though the acute phase. (17on) In most cases, family members usually ask for advices on how to help their love in stressful situation. This will let the family to be able to utilize a communal experience in order to enhance the therapeutic growths. The use of positive family members has also been shown effectively assisted their traumatic member to manage their stressful conditions. They provide support, love and reinforce coping strategy with the trauma. The individual does not feel isolated, but also they feel warm and being caring. The individual, therefore, can describe what happened and how they response though this hard time. However in some cases family sometimes is not enough to support traumatic patients. If the trauma patients and their family feel unable to cope with this traumatic event, they can seek professional help from a physician such as an Australian Psychological Society (APS) psychologist. An APS psychologist will help the severe distress people to understand and manage the symptoms associated with the trauma. An APS psychologist would develop effective coping strategies for affected individual as well as their family to support the recovery process (18). If not, traumatic people also seek help from social support network such as Beyondblue, Sane or Mental Health organizations. Beyondblue is a support service designed to support, give advice and create actions. Whatever the situation is, Beyondblue always listens to their distress stories and share their misfortune. Beyondblue members can really help patients come to terms with their illness and help them to move forward (23). Similarly, Th e Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health is a not-for-profit organization which its aim to reduce the impact of trauma causing to the victims. They connect the capability of individual’s family with their organizations within the community. Therefore, they can understand about the traumatic victims, then, help them to prevent and recover from the adverse mental health effects of trauma. Barrier : wrong diagnosis, overwhelm with treatment, comorbid psychiatric disorders Due to a shorten timeframe of ASD, there appear some barriers which prevent the recovery process such as late diagnosis, overwhelmed treatments. Besides that some will subsequently develop comorbid psychiatric disorders. In case of traumatic events happen, the victims are late identified. Then, they will receive some simple advices how to overcome that situations. They are supposed to recover on their own. However, there are still significant people who cannot go through this recovery process by themselves. They need help from physicians to be assessed in order to receive a formal diagnosis. This process somehow is taken time which lead to a late diagnosis. If this is too late for appropriate treatment of stress disorder, it will develop further into PTSD. Furthermore, without this proper diagnosis, traumatic patients will not get the benefit from standard rehabilitation treatments (4). This problem can be predicted by the role of physicians who can manage clinical judgments in order to give their patient an early diagnosis. For those patients who have received treatments within hours or days after an acute trauma incident, they sometime do not response well to treatment plan due to overwhelm of different interventions. They will present a psychosocial and environment difficulties related to problems such as agitation, emotional pain, and dissociation. Quickly treatment but also slowly explanation and monitoring the response from patients will enhance effective support to recovery process. With patients that respond positively and appear to be recovered from ASD, they sometimes sudden relapse when new event happen to their life. They suffer from fear about safety for themselves as well as their family. The relapse can be recognized by close family members who help the patients to report it to physician in order to get continual treatment (17). Treatment of ASD is usually focused on its specific symptoms. However, some subsequently develop with ASD might be appear such as depression, withdrawal, shame or drug and alcohol abuse, and even suicidal behavior (17). The comorbid psychiatric disorders occur due to the inability scoping with that such traumatic events. These occurssing will significantly affect the recovery process; therefore, it is a requirement for careful attention in both pharmacologically and psychotherapeutically. The patient at high risk of suicide or drug and alcohol abuse should be highlighted during initial assessment. It is necessary to evaluate this potential harm which gets into the treatment pathway and the recovery process. Conclusions In conclusion, (4) the criteria set for ASD in DSM-V will allow identifying the people who had negative reaction to a traumatic event. Because of the short duration, it is necessary to assess severe traumatic people as quickly as possible. Then, they can receive an appropriate diagnosis in order to get benefit from rehabilitation treatments. Having an early treatment will move towards healing and recovery process. Moreover, as a result of suffering both physical and psychological conditions, these fragile people require a high level of support from family member, physicians as well as social support network to be back to normal life.